Nsay ki la - THE REPROACHES- Nsay Digital

Artist: Nsay ki la

Status: Single

Released Date: 27 March 2022

Record Lable: Indie

Original price was: $0.99.Current price is: $0.49.


When the new English translation of the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal came into use, the texts had changed. There was a corresponding need for change in some musical settings. This is a plain chant (gregorian) version of The Reproaches as found in the Roman Missal. The words are exact. It retains the kind of softness and melancholy that is commanded by the nature of the Good Friday ceremonies and the spirit of the Easter Triduum.

Nsay ki la wrote it as far back as 2013, but only produced this audio in 2022. It was mixed and digitally mastered by Dijay Kay. 

Release date: 27 March 2022
Mood: melancholic
Genre: Plain Chant