Nsay ki la - NOW WE BELIEVE- Nsay Digital

Artist: Nsay ki la

Status: Album

Released Date: 8 December 2011

Record Lable: Indie

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.09.

Category: Tags: ,

Album Description:

The first Missionaries arrived Kumbo on 31 December 1912 and said the first Mass in Shisong the following day. 1oo years afterwards, the Diocese of Kumbo was preparing to celebrate the landmark. This was the contribution of Nsay ki la, and this was actually his first musical project. It was sponsored by the Diocese, with the proceeds being used for the celebration of the Jubilee.

The musical album has many genres. The primary intention was the highlight the theme of the Centenary Celebration, “we no longer believe because of what you told us…”. It likewise celebrates the first missionaries and all other pastoral agents, and includes other songs for prayer, meditation, celebration, evaluation. Three languages are employed in it: English, Lamnso’ and French.

Release date: 8 December 2011
Genre: mixed
Mood: mixed