Artist: Nsay ki la
Status: Album
Released Date: 26 August 2019
Record Lable: Indie
Album Description:
Prof. Bernard Nsokika Fonlon (19 November 1924 – 27 August 1986) was an exemplary Christian and stateman. It is no wonder that many have been calling for the process of his canonization to be initiated. He is held in high esteem in the Church milieu, as well is the academic and political fields in Cameroon.
‘Mass of Saint Bernard’ is a common of the Mass in Lamnso’, his mother tongue. It comprises the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Pater Noster and Agnus Dei. The songs are principally Njang, with the Sanctus being of the Samba styles of Nso’. Even if you do not know or understand Lamnso’, you will still enjoy these melodies, because music is a universal language of the soul. It was mixed and digitally mastered by Chrisco Fon of Sunshine Entertainment Kumbo at the time.
This “Mass” was composed in 2011 as a tribute to him. This dedication is intended to freshen the memory of him in the minds of everyone who listens or sings them in Church. May his legacy live for ever, hoping that one day he will truly to proclaimed a Catholic saint.
Release date: 26 August 2019
Genre: Njang, Folk
Mood: mixed
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