Nsay ki la - EE TAATA NYUY (1)- Nsay Digital

Artist: Nsay ki la

Status: Single

Released Date:  18 November 2016

Record Lable: Indie



NWA’ NYUY is the complete Bible in Lamnso’. It was the first translation of the entire Bible into any vernacular in Cameroon. The new translation was dedicated publicly in Kumbo, NW Cameroon on 18 November 2016.

The moving ceremony of this dedication closed a journey of 45 years. That is the context in which this audio finds its meaning. This comes out more clearly during the recitation in the transition to the second part of the song. The song was scheduled for a performance during the said dedication, but this never happened, due to the fact that the author was away for other duties.

However, Nsay ki la wrote the original much earlier on 19 July 2011. It is a song usable in the Liturgy for the Gospel Acclamation/Procession. The pace of the Njang in the song makes it pleasing to dance, and hence usable as a song for the “Lectionary Procession” which is popular liturgical adaptation in Cameroon.